Dr. Nolan Garoutte

Dr. Nolan's chiropractic experience began the first time he was asked “what is your dream job?” He answered “A Chiropractor” not knowing much of the topic. In his younger years, Dr. Nolan experienced recurring ear infections to the point of needing tubes in his ears. The dad of a friend, and chiropractor, Dr. Steve delivered his first adjustment with almost immediate results. He has not had an ear infection since. Inspired early in his life by Dr. Steve, whose main goal was to "get sick people well through the power of an adjustment", his first experience left a significant impression around the power of chiropractic.

Following this inspiration, Dr. Nolan graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Platteville with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. Afterwards, he completed his chiropractic training at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa and graduated in 2023. It was at Palmer and through the Delta Sigma Chi professional fraternity that he developed a better understanding of the history, diversity, and importance of chiropractic care.

Since graduation he has been fine tuning his Art of Chiropractic and continues to serve his community by providing care to people in need. Outside of the clinic, Dr. Nolan enjoys spending time in the Percy Warner Park system walking his dog and enjoying the beautiful scenery.